Breilla - About the Pointer

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About the Pointer


Best for experienced dog owners

Good with children if raised with children

Large in size

Smooth coat


Exercise required - high

Trimming required - low

Amount of shedding - medium/high

Activity indoors - medium

Ease of training - medium

Sociability with strangers - medium

Guarding ability - warning bark only



The AKC standard says, “here is an animal whose every movement shows him to be a wide-awake, hard driving hunting dog possessing stamina, courage and the desire to go.” Though dignified, sweet natured and gentle, the Pointer is bred primarily for sport afield. He is packed with energy and belongs with an active owner who will give him the running exercise he needs to feel satisfied. Pointers, especially youngsters, become restless and bored when confined too much and may resort to destructive chewing and barking. A walk around the block is barely a warm up for this canine athlete. With strangers, most individuals are slightly reserved but congenial. This is not a guard dog. He is amiable with other animals. A bit stubborn and easily distracted, but also kindly and sensitive, he responds well to food rewards and praise rather than jerking around. Commands such as “down” and “stay” are important for instilling self-discipline and control.



Often called the English Pointer, he is one of the oldest of the pointing breeds. Spectacularly fast and wide ranging, with a concentration and competitiveness far surpassing those of other sporting dogs, he is the king of the US national field trials.



Males stand 25 - 27 inches and weigh between 25 and 32kg. Females stand between 24 - 26 inches and weigh between 21 and 28kg. His hard coat needs only the occasional quick brushing. He is most often parti-coloured being a mixture of white with either orange, lemon, liver or black patches and/or ticking. Solid colour Pointers are far less common. His tail is uncropped.



Pointers may carry epilepsy, which is impossible to test for, although breeders aim to select breeding lines to lessen the chance of this occurring. Low Thyroidism can occur. Lifespan: 10-14 years.

Official ANKC Pointer Standard

Kennel Club, London 1994

F.C.I. Standard No 1


GENERAL APPEARANCE - Symmetrical and well built all over, general outline a series of graceful curves.  A strong but lissom appearance. 

CHARACTERISTICS - Aristocratic.  Alert with appearance of strength, endurance and speed. 

TEMPERAMENT - Kind, even disposition. 

HEAD AND SKULL - Skull of medium breath, in proportion to length of foreface, stop well defined, pronounced occipital bone.  Nose and eye rims dark, but may be lighter in the case of a lemon and white coloured dog.  Nostrils wide, soft and moist.  Muzzle somewhat concave, ending on level with nostrils, giving a slightly dish-faced appearance.  Slight depression under eyes, cheek bones not prominent, well developed soft lip. 

EYES - Same distance from occiput as from nostrils, bright and kindly in expression.  Either hazel or brown according to colour of coat.  Neither bold nor staring, not looking down the nose. 

EARS - Leathers thin, set on fairly high, lying close to head, of medium length, slightly pointed at tips. 

MOUTH - Jaws strong, with perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. Upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws. 

NECK - Long, muscular, slightly arched, springing cleanly from shoulders and free from throatiness. 

FOREQUARTERS - Shoulders long, sloping and well-laid back.  Chest just wide enough for plenty of heart room.  Brisket well let down, to level with elbows.  Forelegs straight and firm, with good oval bone, with back sinews strong and visible.  Knee joint flat with front leg and protruding very little on inside.  Pasterns, lengthy, strong and resilient.  Slightly sloping. 

BODY - Well sprung ribs carried well back gradually falling away at strong muscular and slightly arched loins.  Short coupled.  Haunch bones well spaced and prominent, not above level of back. 

HINDQUARTERS - Very muscular.  Well turned stifles.  Good expanse of first and second thigh.  Hocks well let down. 

FEET - Oval, well knit, arched toes, well cushioned. 

TAIL - Medium length, thick at root, tapering gradually to a point.  Well covered with close hair, carried on a level with back, with no upward curl.  In movement, tail should lash from side to side. 

GAIT/MOVEMENT - Smooth covering plenty of ground.  Driving hind action, elbows neither in nor out.  Definitely not a hackney action. 

COAT - Fine, short, hard and evenly distributed, perfectly smooth and straight with decided sheen. 

COLOUR - Usual colours are lemon and white, orange and white, liver and white, and black and white.  Self colours and tri-colours are also correct. 

Height: Dogs 63-69 cms (25-27 ins) at withers 
Bitches 61-66 cms (24-26 ins) at withers 

FAULTS - Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree. 

NOTE - Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

Gundog Group     A.N.K.C.  ©   January 1998

So... A Pointer

You have decided on a Pointer.. but what are they like? This page will have given you some answers and you will also have seen the official ANKC standard (breed description).

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